


提前进入幼儿园(EEK) 2024-25


提早进入幼稚园 (EEK) is a rigorous screening process to find out if a student is ready to start kindergarten early.

Washington state and Seattle Public School require that students entering kindergarten in the fall turn five before midnight of August 31 of the enrollment year. This process is for children whose fifth birthday falls between September 1 and October 31, 2024. 


We highly recommend enrolling in a preschool or daycare program for school year 2024-25 until you receive your final eligibility notification.

到幼儿园(EEK) 2024

Please NoteEEK不是高级学习的安置过程

提早进入幼稚园 is not related in any way to Advanced Learning
eligibility. Only students 目前就读 在1-8年级可以被评估为高级学习.

SPS carefully considers each student’s success throughout their K-12 experience. Students who begin their educational journey early can encounter additional challenges while being the youngest student in a class. 正因为如此,我们只接受申请EEK的10%左右的学生. 那些被录取的学生在所有发展领域的成绩都远高于平均水平. 

在继续之前,请到 WaKIDS link 描述国家对幼儿园准备的期望.



Washington state and Seattle Public School legally require that students entering kindergarten in the fall must have turned five (5) years of age on or before August 31 of the enrollment year.

A child whose fifth birthday falls on or between September 1 and October 31 may enter kindergarten if they meet rigorous entrance-screening requirements. 这些都是罕见的例外.

To assure that your child will be more likely to have a great first year of school, they will be expected to meet standards at least six months above their age in all areas assessed.

在继续之前,请到 描述状态期望的WAKids链接 为幼儿园做好准备.


“准备就绪”表现在社交、情感、身体和学业上. These pieces are equally important for parents to understand when deciding to have their child evaluated for EEK. Parents should take these factors into consideration as the potential risk of frustration, embarrassment, and sense of failure is substantially increased for these youngest students throughout their school years.

因为自尊的发展是所有学生的重要目标, 让他们成功应该是最重要的. 研究结果指出, 在国家层面上, the youngest students in any classroom perform at lower levels in almost all areas compared to their classmates.

Please Note: It is highly advised you retain your preschool or daycare plan for school year 2024-25 until you receive your final notification of eligibility.

在继续之前,请到 描述状态期望的WAKids链接 为幼儿园做好准备.

评估过程是什么 for determining student eligibility for early entrance into kindergarten?


All applicants will be evaluated using an online social emotional skills inventory. This process helps us determine if a child has the developmental skills necessary to be successful in a kindergarten classroom. The online screening form will be completed by both the family and their preschool teacher, 照顾者或其他非家庭成员.


A multidisciplinary selection committee will review each student’s screening form, after which a very small number of students will be asked to an in-person school-based evaluation. Results will be sent to parents by email approximately a week after the evaluation. 如果没有电子邮件地址,结果将由美国邮政服务发送. 该通知书会产生下列其中一种可能的结果:

  • The student did not demonstrate the needed readiness skills and is not eligible for early entrance into kindergarten; or
  • The student did demonstrate the needed readiness skills and is eligible for an in-person school-based observation.
  • 对筛选评价结果无申诉.


This small group receiving in-person evaluations will be assessed by kindergarten teachers observing how each child interacts socially and emotionally in a classroom environment. Teachers will also complete a basic check of each child’s academic readiness skills at this time.


评估结果将于评估后约7-10天寄给家长. The Multidisciplinary Selection Committee will identify the most highly qualified applicants. 该通知书会产生下列其中一种可能的结果:

  • The student did not demonstrate the needed readiness skills and is not eligible for early entrance into kindergarten, or
  • The student did demonstrate the needed readiness skills and will be recommended for a four-week trial period in kindergarten, 从2024-25学年开始. Determination of continuation in kindergarten is at the discretion of the school principal.

Families of students found eligible for early entrance to kindergarten must complete the regular registration process through Admissions in June to ensure the student’s enrollment in a kindergarten classroom for September 2024.

How do I apply for an early entrance to kindergarten evaluation for my child?

Step 1 :完成申请并缴付处理费*

完成申请并支付处理费. The processing fee for early entrance screening is $65, plus a transaction fee for online payment. 适用于有资格根据家庭收入减免学费的家庭, 处理费减少到15美元.00(见申请表内的表格). 可以通过在线申请中的链接付款.

如果你的孩子进行了面对面的评估, 另外还有75美元的费用, 加上交易费($20).00 for those who qualify for reduced fee) collected before the evaluation can be scheduled.

* Please note: 所有费用恕不退还,亦不可转让.

Step 2 在EEK窗口内提交申请:2024年3月1日至21日

An email confirming the receipt of your application will be sent only to those whose applications are complete and on-time. 

如果我的孩子达不到提前入学的要求怎么办, and I do not believe the decision represents my child’s kindergarten readiness skills?

对最初的筛选决定不能上诉. If your student moves on to in-person evaluation and does not meet the Early Entrance requirements, 你可以向多学科遴选委员会提出上诉. 首先,提交一封通知我们你打算上诉的信. Then, 编译引人注目, 孩子学习能力的书面证明, 语言发展, 身体的协调, 社会成熟度.

Mail all documentation in one packet to the Advanced Learning Office by May 21, 2024. 这些上诉将在2024年5月28日之前得到考虑和解决.

All appeals and supporting assessment information must be received by the Advanced Learning Office no later than 4 PM on Wednesday, May 21, 2024年考虑.


  • 申请开放:2024年3月1日
  • 申请截止日期:2024年3月21日
  • 在线筛选决定通知:2024年4月初
    Note: There are no appeals 初步筛选结果
  • 现场评估:2024年5月4日

